(also IBBI-SUEN; reigned c. 2026 – C. 2004 B.C.)
   Fifth and last kingof the Third Dynasty of Ur.His reign is well documented by royal inscriptions and letters sent and received by the court that illustrate the volatile political situation of this period. Several important Mesopotamian cities rebelled against the supremacy of Ur, and from the west Amorite tribes poured into the country. Despite these problems, Ibbi-Sin secured his hold on power for some 20 years, by force as well as by diplomatic means.
   Ibbi-Sin’s reign produced a measure of relative stability until the downfall proved inevitable. This was probably precipitated by a major flooding of the Euphrates and ecological problems in the south that led to severe food shortages in the capital. One Ur governor, a certain Ishbi-Erra, had gained control of Nippur and Isin and held Ibbi-Sin to ransom over shipments of grain. Finally, the eastern states of Elam and Shimashki attacked and devastated the city of Ur and many other towns of Mesopotamia. The king was taken captive and died on alien soil.

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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