LLOYD, Seton

LLOYD, Seton
   British architect, archaeologist, and academic. Like Walter Andrae and Robert Koldewey, Lloyd applied his understanding of architecture to his archaeological work and pioneered a technique of attaching cameras to kites for aerial views. He began by assisting Henri Frankfort, at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt(1928–1930) and in the Diyala valley (to 1937). From 1939 to 1949 he was technical adviser to the Iraq Directorate-General of Antiquities and worked with Iraqi teams at sites such as Hassuna, Eridu, Tell Harmal, and Tell Uqair. He next took a post at the British School of Archaeology at Ankara before joining the British Institute of Archaeology (1962–1969). His numerous books on the subject of Mesopotamian art and archaeology achieved a wide readership (Foundations in the Dust: A Story of Mesopotamian Exploration, 1955; The Art of the Ancient Near East, 1961; Mounds of the Ancient Near East, 1963; The Archaeology of Mesopotamia: From the Old Stone Age to the Persian Conquest, 1976).

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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