(reigned C. 2260–2224 B.C.)
   Akkadian king, grandson of Sargon of Akkad. Like his predecessor Manishtusu, he had to repress rebellions by the main cities within his realm to assert his centralized control over the country. He then called himself “king of the four quarters (of the universe)” and began to write his name with a sign generally only used for gods.
   Naram-Sin campaigned widely in all parts of his empire, from the east (where he famously subdued the mountainous tribes as depicted on a stele now at the Louvre), to the north, to the northwest, where he fought the Amorites. He even ventured as far south as Maganon the Persian Gulf.
   In the later literary tradition (see KUTHA; OMENS), Naram-Sin was depicted as an unlucky ruler, whose arrogance angered the gods. It appears, however, that his long reign brought stability rather than disruption to the country. He was succeeded by his son Shar-kalisharri.

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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