Adoption is known from legal contracts and law codes dating from the second and first millennia B.C. The most common form was to take an individual to be a son or daughter, but sibling and parental adoption was not unknown. Written documents, duly witnessed, stated the terms and nature of the relationship being entered into and, sometimes, the penalties incurred for the repudiation of the contract.
   One of the most common reasons for adoption was the desire to secure support in old age and the provision of a funerary cult for the adopter after death. In exchange, the adoptee could inherit property. Such arrangements were generally conducted between adults. Infants or children could be adopted to legitimize their descent. Sequestered high-status women (such as the naditu) who were barred from having children could adopt young women to look after them in old age and to make them independent of the paternal kin group. Legal tablets show that litigation over adoption was not uncommon.

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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