(also read AGADE)
   1. As a toponym, this refers to the yet undiscovered city in northern Babylonia, said to have been founded by Sargon of Akkad, who made it the capital of the Akkadian Dynasty. The city’s rise and downfall were the subject of a well-known Sumerian literary text that blames the sacking of the city by foreign invaders known as the Gution royal arrogance. Some archaeologists suggest that the remains of Akkad are to be found in the vicinity of Baghdad.
   2. As a geographical term (during the late third and early second millennia B.C.), this denoted the northern part of the country, from the point where the Tigris and Euphrates come closest to the southern part of the Jezirah. It was used in distinction to the southern part, known as Sumer. From the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur, “Sumer and Akkad” denoted all of Babylonia.

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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