(reigned C. 1244 – C. 1208 B.C.)
   Assyrian king of the Middle Assyrian period. He was one of the most famous Assyrian soldier kings who campaigned incessantly to maintain Assyrian possessions and influence. He reacted with spectacular cruelty to any sign of revolt and crushed a coalition of kings in Anatolia, the so-called Nairi. He subdued the Zagros region to the east and spread terror in the Van region.
   In Babylonia, he took the Kassiteking Kashtiliash Vand his family prisoners and declared himself king of Babylon, which began the first period of direct Assyrian rule over Babylonia. This produced a strong Babylonian influence over Assyria as Tukulti-Ninurta was keen to benefit from the learning and cultural sophistication of the subdued nation. He built a new palace, called Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta, but also invested in grand rebuilding programs of temples at Assur and Nineveh. According to an Assyrian chronicle, Tukulti-Ninurta was assassinated in his new palace.

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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