(ASHUR-NASIR-APLI in assyrian; reigned 883–859 B.C.)
   King of Assyria, son and successor of Tukulti-Ninurta II, Ashurnasirpal built on the success of his predecessors to make Assyria the dominant power in the Near East. He undertook 14 campaigns, against the north (Anatolia) and the eastern regions of the Zagros mountains. Westward he traveled to the shore of the Mediterranean Sea and initiated good relations with the economically important Levantine states. In the south he maintained peace with Babylonia.
   His overall policy was directed less toward further expansion than to the consolidation of Assyrian influence. His mobile and wellequipped army could be effectively deployed at short notice to quell insurrections and to punish rebellious vassal rulers. On the other hand, Ashurnasirpal also accepted daughters of local rulers for his royal harem to cement friendly relationships and was ready to defend loyal subjects by lending them military aid. With huge amounts of tribute and taxes, he had the resources to finance campaigns and grandiose building projects. In the new capital, Kalhu(modern Nimrud), an entire city was built, with temples, barracks, and residential quarters, where he resettled people deported from various parts of the empire. The so-called Banquet Stele describes the inauguration party where he entertained and feasted 69,574 people for 10 days. Ashurnasirpal was succeeded by his son Shalmaneser III.

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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