(1155–1027 B.C.)
   After the Elamite attacks on Babylonia, which brought the Kassite Dynasty to an end, the center of power again shifted southward, where a new dynasty was founded by Marduk-kabit-ahheshu in c. 1155 at Isin. There were 11 kings altogether, though only some of them are known from contemporary sources. The most outstanding ruler was Nebuchadrezzar I (reigned c. 1126–c. 1105), who defeated Elam and returned the abducted statues of the god Marduk and his consort Sarpanitum. Another successful and long-reigning king was Marduk-nadin-ahhe (reigned 1100–1083), a contemporary of the Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser I, although the end of his reign was overshadowed by famine and unrest caused by intensified tribal immigration by the Arameans. This was to remain a source of instability until the demise of the Second Dynasty of Isin during the time of its last king, Nabu-shumu-libur (reigned 1034–1027).

Historical Dictionary of Mesopotamia. . 2012.

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